Art Munson is a special guest in our series A Celebration of Paul Williams on The Paul Leslie Hour.
Singer, Hall of Fame Songwriter, ASCAP President and recovery advocate Paul Williams is a Grammy, Oscar and Golden Globe winner as well as one of the most renowned music creators in the world. His records and live concerts have a cult following and are cherished by his fans.
Art Munson is our guest on this episode of The Paul Leslie Hour. Munson is a recording artist, guitarist and songwriter. He’s worked with so many great artists: John Lennon, Barbra Streisand, Billy Joel and of course Paul Williams. He toured with Paul Williams, playing guitar for him from around 1973 to 1978. He also played on recordings and even co-wrote a couple of songs appearing on the Paul Williams album “Ordinary Fool.”
Art checks in on The Paul Leslie Hour to share some of his recollections of his professional relationship with Paul Williams and also about his current projects.
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