Bobby Braddock was the very last guest of 2019. It was quite a way to say farewell to a great year. That interview was done in person in Nashville, Tennessee.
It’s a pleasure to present the second Bobby Braddock interview, this time he joins us by telephone. Braddock is the only living songwriter to write number-one songs spanning 5 consecutive decades. He is also a record producer, sometimes a recording artist and occasionally a performing artist.
Bobby Braddock also writes a fine book! His third and latest book is entitled COUNTRY MUSIC’S GREATEST LINES: Lyrics, Stories & Sketches from American Classics. The book is illustrated by artist Carmen Beecher and takes an entertaining look at 81 classic songs.
I’m very grateful that Bobby Braddock is back with us yet again to talk about the book and more. You’ll enjoy a great interview with a highly interesting person right here on The Paul Leslie Hour!
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