Imagine how many emails are whizzing around the planet at this very moment. Care to take a guess how many? The total email traffic last year was about 300 billion. That’s an average of more than 800 million a day. That’s a lot of emails!
Most of you subscribe to email newsletters. Some of you maybe want to start a newsletter. You have good reasons. It’s huge! Brands ask you for your email address because it’s bar none the best way to stay in contact.
What are some of the most important things you need to be aware of when sending emails?
I wanted to invite an expert on board The Paul Leslie Hour. Brian Minick is the Chief Operating Officer of ZeroBounce, an email validation company. ZeroBounce cleans email lists of bad addresses to make sure everybody’s emails reach the inbox.
Brian Minick is a wealth of information. If you have an email list, want to start one or just want to learn more about emails, you’ll be glad you listened to this interview with an authority on email!
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