It’s a new year and a new decade. For the first episode of the New Year, we quite possibly the world’s most recognizable and heard voice. Susan Bennett is a voice actor and singer who is the original voice of “Siri,” the virtual assistant developed for Apple products. Susan Bennett’s voice has been used by countless brands and services: Delta Airlines, GPS systems, phone systems, McDonald’s, Papa John’s and Macy’s. She’s been featured on CNN, the Queen Latifah Show and even read the Top 10 List on The Late Show with David Letterman. As a vocalist she’s backed up the late Roy Orbison and the great composer Burt Bacharach. With her husband Rick Hinkle, she performs in the band “Boomers Gone Wild.”
Not only does Susan Bennett have one of the most pleasant voices on the planet, but what she has to say is thoughtful and soulful. There is much to be learned from her. I am honored to have met her and share this interview we had together.
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