Bill Zehme is a best-selling author of several books including The Way You Wear Your Hat: Frank Sinatra and the Lost Art of Livin’. A man with many claims, all of them to fame. He’s the “King of the First Sentence” and the magazine writer who gets to know the unknowable. Zehme is a man who once (or twice) said “I do not believe in celebrity.” Yet somehow the biggest icons of the 20th Century invited him to ask questions in order to write intimate profiles. All of those icons are recognizable by a single name. Carson. Hefner. Of course we couldn’t leave out the “Sultan of Swoon”: Sinatra.
This is the inaugural conversation with Bill Zehme recorded back in 2015, as the grand finale of months and months of Frank Sinatra-centric radio broadcasting. It was the Centenary year of Frank Sinatra: 100 years since the great singer’s birth. This was a beautiful closing to the series. Bill Zehme went deeper than the music and the films and explored the man himself. The return of Bill Zehme on ‘The Paul’ airwaves is much anticipated, but revisiting this interview is a listening delight.
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