THE PAUL LESLIE HOUR INTERVIEWS Episode #1,026 – Peter Navarro on The New MAGA Deal, Harris-Walz – And America’s Ultimate Election

Episode #1,026 – Peter Navarro on The New MAGA Deal, Harris-Walz – And America’s Ultimate Election

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Economist Peter Navarro, former Donald Trump advisor, talks to Paul Leslie about his latest book, The New MAGA Deal, Kamala Harris and Tim Walz, and what could be America’s ultimate election.

Peter Navarro joins The Paul Leslie Hour!

Are you here? Of course you are! Where else would you be? Guantánamo Bay? Held political prisoner by these United States? That could never happen here, right folks? Countrymen, we must realize that the worst is possible in this land.

Today The Paul Leslie Hour welcomes recently released political prisoner, Peter Navarro — he’s honoring his newly reclaimed freedom and exercising his First Amendment with a new book The New MAGA Deal: The Unofficial Deplorables Guide To Donald Trump’s 2024 Policy Platform from Winning Team Publishing.

Never has a winning path been more fraught with evil and more humbling than this, what could be, America’s ultimate election.

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And with that we proudly present Peter Navarro. You can also READ the written version of this interview below.

You can watch the Peter Navarro interview here.

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What is The New MAGA Deal?

Paul Leslie: Dr. Navarro, good morning, and thank you so much for joining us. 

Peter Navarro: What’s up, my brother? It’s election season, less than 90 days to either winning or losing this country. So happy to talk to you this morning.

Paul Leslie: Well, it’s a great pleasure. Dr. Navarro has a new book out, The New MAGA Deal from Winning Team Publishing. And everybody, you can look at for more information. So Dr. Navarro, what does that exactly mean to you? We all know MAGA, but what is the new MAGA deal?

Peter Navarro: The New MAGA Deal describes the policy platform of the Trump campaign, and it’s 100 actions in 100 days in 37 chapters based on the major issues that define this campaign. 

If you remember back with Bill Clinton in ’92, when he first ran, he had a little admonition that he’d look at every day: “It’s the economy, stupid.” With this campaign, “it’s the Trump policy agenda, stupid.” 

What we don’t want to do is get into some kind of personality fight with the Harris crowd because we beat her on policy. And if you go down the list of what matters to voters – from the most salient to the least – you start at the top. It’s a neck and neck race between inflation and the economy versus border security. 

“Bidenomics is the root of this inflationary evil.”

These are the two major issues of the campaign. And if you look at the economy and inflation, Trump has a double-digit lead. Harris has embraced Bidenomics. Bidenomics is the root of this inflationary evil. We win on that.

Second, border security. That one was a slam dunk because even though the corporate media is trying to scrub it from history, Harris owns that problem. She was appointed border czar by Biden in 2021. She refused to do it, derelict in her duty, and 8 million or 10 million illegals followed her in, creating the havoc we see today that’s really bothering voters. 

The third issue – and in the New MAGA Deal book, Rick Grinnell writes a beautiful chapter on this – is foreign policy. He’s a former Trump official. The issue there is I can’t think of another presidential candidate from a major party with less foreign policy experience than Kamala Harris. And what’s stark about this is in Trump land, in Trump’s America, Communist China, Imperial Russia, the mullahs of Iran, Rocket Man in North Korea left us and the rest of the world alone because they feared and respected Donald Trump. 

In contrast, if you look at the geopolitical chaos of Harris and Biden, you’ve got Gaza in flames with Iran threatening to provoke a regional and possibly world war. You’ve got Russia doing its mischief in Ukraine, wasting tens of billions of dollars of U.S. taxpayer money. You’ve got Communist China in the Straits of China. 

None of that would have happened if Trump were in office. And if he gets back in, he can solve those problems far better than Kamala Harris.

So that’s three: inflation, the border, foreign policy. 

“Kamala is the defund-the-police queen.”

Then you get to law and order. I mean, look, Kamala is the defund-the-police queen. When Minneapolis was in flames, she was raising money for the people who set the fires, even as her running mate Walz, as governor, refused to do anything about Minneapolis burning. Even as senior citizens were dying in nursing homes because Walz, her running mate, mismanaged the COVID crisis. 

So, inflation, border crisis, foreign policy, law and order.

Then you have the weaponization of the justice system, which affected me, and put me in prison. The New MAGA Deal book (, and it’s also at Amazon and Barnes & Noble), has three different chapters on the dysfunction in our justice system by guys like Mike Davis, who I actually love. He’s just so good at what he does.

On “Tampon Tim” putting tampons in boys bathrooms

Finally, there’s all the woke issues. I cringe every time I hear the nickname, but it’s accurate: Tampon Tim (Tim Walz, Kamala Harris’s running mate). It’s like, what goes on in a guy’s mind to want to put tampons in a boys bathroom? It’s insane. 

And you see that Olympic boxer, a woman boxer, gets bullied by a guy with an X, Y chromosome. That’s what these people, Harris and Walz, support. So it’s the policy agenda, stupid. It’s the Trump policy agenda, stupid. It’s policy, stupid.

The New MAGA Deal book basically lays all this out. And in less than 100 days, we just got to go at the Harris-Walz on policy. I can’t imagine the Trump campaign not winning by a large margin if people simply understand. 

“We’re not running against Harris.”

Now, the book’s important because it’s got to offset all that crap from the corporate media. We’re not running against Harris. We’re running against ABC, CBS, NBC, PBS, CNN, MSNBC, New York Times, and the Washington Post. Throw in a little Atlantic Monthly there. 

So my mission now is to spread the secular gospel of the Trump policy agenda. The New MAGA Deal book is where we’re doing it. Lastly, I’ll tell you about the book. It’s Don Jr.’s publishing house, Winning Strategies. Couldn’t be more honored to do that. And it’s great to be talking with you.

Paul Leslie: It’s a great honor. And I was listening to your interview with the great Rose of Rose Unplugged. There was something you said – nobody has a more extreme record than Kamala Harris. And even the mainstream media, which you were just talking about, has acknowledged that. What happens if she and Tim Walz win?

Peter Navarro: This is an interesting point, because the Trump campaign now is going full bore on the extremism of Harris-Walz. But I think there’s really two things to run on. 

There is certainly the far-left agenda of higher taxes, more regulation, more inflation that’s going to crush the economy. The extremism of a totally open border so you don’t have a country, the extremism of all these woke agendas in K-12 and all that. 

But at the same time, there’s the incompetence and inexperience card we have to play as well. You don’t have to be extreme on the economy to screw it up. I mean, they’ve messed it up simply because they don’t know how to take care of supply chains. And yeah, they’re spending too much money on extreme programs, but it’s a combination of incompetence and inexperience. 

With the border crisis, they don’t know what to do now. They just have no idea, even if they wanted to do it. So I think the best way to argue that inexperience card is on foreign policy.

“I went to prison to defend the Constitution.”

Extremism, inexperience, incompetence. That’s kind of my triangle, my triumvirate right there.

Paul Leslie: A lot of people saw your speech at the RNC. It went viral, and it was the same day you were released from prison. You said, “They did not break me.” So when you had your freedom taken from you, day after day in confinement, what did you dwell on? How did you stay strong?

Peter Navarro: Look, I went to prison to defend the Constitution. Young men and women in uniform every day put themselves in significant danger defending this country. So relative to that, mine was a relatively small sacrifice. 

Once I got in there, my mission was basically to keep my physical health, to keep mentally strong, and to keep spiritually strong. That was my focus every day. And when you’re in that kind of situation, you take it one hour at a time. That’s what you do. 

“They punished my family as well.”

I think they’re going to regret putting me in prison because I took the time, while I was in there, to talk to virtually every inmate in there. There are over 200 there. And I learned so much about the rot of the Bureau of Prisons system. That really is the responsibility of Harris, Biden, Colette Peters is the director of that. After the election, I’m going to talk a lot more about that. But that’s coming.

I did my time. My fiancée visited me on weekends. And in the speech I gave, I wanted to make the point that, when they put a guy like me in prison simply for doing his duty, for political reasons, I want everybody to understand they punished my family as well. And that’s what I can’t forgive them for. 

If they want to come after me, I get it. It’s a political ring. Okay, take your best shot. But when they go after family, that’s when they go too far. That’s an issue that’s going to have to be dealt with sometime down the road. 

I think accountability is really important in this because if we don’t hold them accountable, they’re just going to keep doing it. And that’s not good for the country.

“If they can come for me, they can come for you.”

Paul Leslie: Everybody can check out, Peter Navarro’s new book, The New MAGA Deal. I’m curious because a lot of the people who are watching, they’re probably going to think, “Well, I’m not a politician. I don’t work in DC.” What do you hope the reader gets out of the experience of reading this book when they pick it up?

Peter Navarro: What I said at the convention was that if we don’t control our government, their government will control us. In the chapters by Mike Davis and myself on some of these woke issues and on the injustice system now, the weaponization, I think it’s crystal clear that everybody’s at risk now. If they can come for me, they can come for you. They can come for Donald Trump, they can come for you. 

They’ve already done this – coming for Catholics, coming for people that go to school, parents who go to school boards and say, “Hey, more reading, writing, arithmetic, less of that woke stuff you’re doing.” I went to prison so you won’t have to. 

People need to wake up. If they can do that to me, they can do it to you. I can assure you of that. I’m guilty of nothing other than defending the Constitution and, oh, by the way, being an advisor to Donald Trump. That’s what that was about. So there it is. 

But now I’m focused on the New MAGA Deal book (, Amazon, Barnes & Noble). I’m focused on making sure we win in November. I’m telling you, if we don’t win, we’re going to lose this country, full stop.

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“I try to have no ups, no downs.”

Paul Leslie: Well, Dr. Navarro, thank you so much. Everyone out there, got to – lots of great information. Pay particular attention to the chapter on borders. My last question: are you optimistic?

Peter Navarro: I’m never optimistic. I’m a realist. I try to have no ups, no downs. You just go forward with the mission, and you try to stay happy in life, which is different from optimism.

Paul Leslie: I like your style. Thank you, sir.
Peter Navarro: All right, brother. You take care.

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