THE PAUL LESLIE HOUR INTERVIEWS Episode #1,018 – Charlie Kirk

Episode #1,018 – Charlie Kirk

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Charlie Kirk joins The Paul Leslie Hour!

Welcome to episode number 1018 of the Paul Leslie Hour. Today, we’re joined by Charlie Kirk, the host of The Charlie Kirk Show, available on podcasts and radio nationwide. 

Charlie Kirk is the founder of Turning Point USA and the author of the new book, Right-Wing Revolution: How to Beat the Woke and Save the West from Winning Team Publishing. Before we bring out Charlie Kirk, we ask that you subscribe to Paul Leslie’s channel on YouTube and leave a comment, especially a nice one. 

Now, let us begin. You can also read the written version of this interview down below.

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Charlie Kirk: “Wokeism is rooted in lying and deceit.”

Paul Leslie: Ladies and gentlemen, our special guest, Charlie Kirk. He’s a great public speaker, the host of the compelling Charlie Kirk Show, and the author of Right-Wing Revolution: How to Beat the Woke and Save the West. Charlie, it’s a great honor. Thank you so much.

Charlie Kirk: God bless you. Thanks for having me.

Paul Leslie: Thank you on behalf of all our viewers. Your book is very compelling. One of the things you write about a lot is the woke. Do you feel like wokeism is kind of dying?

Charlie Kirk: Yeah, I think it is. Wokeism is rooted in lying and deceit, and the truth will win. When your position as a movement is that men can give birth, that’s not sustainable long-term. 

Wokeism is relentless criticism, complaining until you control. In the book, we describe what wokeism is, where it comes from, and how it has grown. I think it’s dying, but it’s not yet dead. The woke still control many of our institutions, including the FBI, CIA, and Department of Justice. 

It’s going to require citizens from across the country to rise up, push back, and build a major movement to avoid living in a dystopian, Marxist, nihilistic hellscape. In the book, we detail what every person can do to rise up against this.

Paul Leslie: From my perspective, this book flips a lot of political books out there on their head. Was that intentional, to have a positive angle?

Charlie Kirk: Yes, it’s about all the good we can do and the constructive things we can achieve. The woke are powerful but not unstoppable. In the book, we detail their weaknesses. There are too many books highlighting problems. Our book is forward-facing, positive, and solution-oriented, which is why it’s being received and selling so well. It focuses 90% on solutions, not just problems.

Charlie Kirk: “You need to believe in eternal principles.”

Paul Leslie: You also write about mindset. Do you think people on the right have the right mindset right now?

Charlie Kirk: Currently, no, but I think that’s changing. We need to shift our mindset to not care what the opposition calls us. We need a positive, forward-facing, optimistic, and entrepreneurial mindset. We should focus on building new institutions instead of managing the decline of existing ones. I think this mindset is starting to seep into conservative ranks, and we detail it in the book.

Paul Leslie: Who do you think has the right attitude or energy?

Charlie Kirk: Parts of the left do. They are good at taking over existing institutions. To build new things, you need to believe in eternal principles. I think Elon Musk is a great example of someone with the right energy and forward-thinking vision. If more conservatives thought like Elon Musk, we’d be in a better place.

Paul Leslie: I listened to your show today. You talked about the upcoming presidential debate. What do you think people will be saying the next morning?

Charlie Kirk: Hopefully, they’ll say they want Trump back in the White House. It’s going to be a tough environment with three-on-one, including Joe Biden. Trump needs to navigate the January 6th and COVID stuff and ask Biden specific questions. If Biden doesn’t know the answers, it will show his incompetence.

Related: Listen to Paul’s interview with Lynne Patton, Senior Advisor to Donald Trump

Paul Leslie: CNN seems to have dropped any attempt at appearing unbiased. What do you think?

Charlie Kirk: It’s unbelievable. The danger is that millions will watch the debate, and not everyone will realize CNN’s bias. We can only do so much spin afterward. CNN’s advantage might make this an imbalanced debate.

Paul Leslie: Working back to Right-Wing Revolution, available at, did you have any revelations while writing it?

Charlie Kirk: Yes, I realized conservatives control a lot and can do much more than we are. The book is solution-oriented, showing exactly how we can win. It’s easy to fall into negativity, but the book shows how we can be successful.

Paul Leslie: You’ve interacted with many people, especially young ones. What have you observed?

Charlie Kirk: Younger men are becoming more conservative. There is a lack of wisdom in the West, which is the knowledge of eternal things. We need more than practical knowledge; we need eternal knowledge right now.

Paul Leslie: What is the origin of TDS?

Charlie Kirk: I think the origin is neurotic white liberal women, like the Wuhan Institute of TDS. It’s real, hard to treat, and has ruined families and relationships. I don’t let politics get in the way of my interactions, but I have lost friends because of it.

Related: Listen to Paul’s interview with Christina Bobb, Donald Trump’s lawyer

Paul Leslie: Is there anyone you’d like to meet that you haven’t yet?

Charlie Kirk: I’d love to interview Putin and Xi Jinping. I think they’re interesting, even if I think they’re evil. In America, I’ve met almost everyone I wanted to. I’d like to meet Michael Jordan as a big Bulls fan from Chicago.

Paul Leslie: Everyone, check out The Charlie Kirk Show and visit to pick up Right-Wing Revolution. Any parting words?

Charlie Kirk: Paul, you do a great job. Thank you for having me. Keep the faith, stay positive, build a better America, and don’t let the left take over. We detail the steps in the book on how to take action.

Paul Leslie: Well said. Charlie Kirk, God bless. Talk to you soon.

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Also, you’ll enjoy Paul’s interview with Chadwick Moore, the author of Tucker Carlson’s biography Tucker.

Thank you. Until next time, be safe and be good.

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