Author: Paul Leslie

Model Aurora Diaz-Plaja Birch from the Jimmy Buffett Last Mango in Paris album is shown on a light blue background.
Essayist Douglas Young is shown along with a copy of his book This Little Opinion Plus $1.50 Will Buy You a Coke

This Little Opinion Plus $1.50 Will Buy You a Coke — The Book ReviewThis Little Opinion Plus $1.50 Will Buy You a Coke — The Book Review

I love opinions.  I like asking people their opinions and hearing or reading what their response is.  One of the prerequisites for being my friend is that you’ll be asked “What do you think about…?” any number of subjects. Even absurd viewpoints can be downright entertaining. Just think about it.

Laurie Buffett McGuane is shown on a light blue background.
Writer Thomas McGuane is shown on a light blue background.
Singer-songwriter John Goodwin is shown on a light blue background.
Photo of Jerry Seinfeld and cover of his comedy film Unfrosted is shown on a light blue background.
Radio personality Steve Huntington of Radio Margaritaville fame is shown on a light blue background.

Episode #1,011 – Steve HuntingtonEpisode #1,011 – Steve Huntington

Steve Huntington joins The Paul Leslie Hour for an exclusive interview! Are you here? You meaning, the listener, and here being: The Paul Leslie Hour. Welcome to episode number 1,011 featuring special guest Steve Huntington! Long-standing broadcaster Steve Huntington served as both program director and on-air radio personality. And what

Tangled Up in Bob documentary cover on a light blue background.

“Tangled Up in Bob: Searching for Bob Dylan” — The Documentary Review“Tangled Up in Bob: Searching for Bob Dylan” — The Documentary Review

It was a long time ago, well, six years ago that I got curious about the documentary “Tangled Up in Bob: Searching for Bob Dylan.” Writers can affect our lives. If you are a writer, other writers can certainly have an influence on you. Natalie Goldberg wrote many books, but

The EP cover of Howard Jackson Curry's Neon Circus is shown along with a photo of Howard Curry.
Senior Advisor to the 45th President Lynne Patton is shown on a light blue background.
Film producer Frank Marshall is shown on a light blue background.