This interview with Lukas Nelson was originally broadcast on the radio. Lukas is a singer, songwriter, recording artist and an exceptional guitarist from Paia, Hawaii. He also fronts the band Lukas Nelson & The Promise of The Real. The band has collaborated with singer-songwriter Neil Young. Lukas and I did this interview when they had released their album “Wasted.” I’ve had the chance to meet Lukas in person. He’s a very friendly, sweet guy.
By the way, I heard that Lukas Nelson will be appearing on Jimmy Buffett’s album Life on the Flip Side which will be out soon. That’s a natural fit. I can imagine them making some great tracks in the studio.
It would be great to interview Lukas Nelson again someday. He’s sure to be writing and recording great music for decades to come. In the meantime, I hope this is a nice introduction if you aren’t familiar with him.
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