Tag: Delaney Buffett

Songs You Don’t Know By Heart — A Series of Storytelling & SongsSongs You Don’t Know By Heart — A Series of Storytelling & Songs

For the faithful, they know these songs by heart. Storytelling is at the forefront of what he does, and his ability to generate a sense of wonder with his songs is unparalleled. If you ever needed proof, just witness him in concert.  Whether performing spontaneously at a bar in Key

Delaney Buffett and Katie Corwin are shown on a light blue background with The Paul Leslie Hour logo nearby.

Episode #3 – Delaney Buffett & Katie CorwinEpisode #3 – Delaney Buffett & Katie Corwin

Delaney Buffett and Katie Corwin have a creative partnership built on a passion for cinema and their long friendship. Together they write, conceptualize and bring their imagination to the screen. Take their web comedy  City of Angles, a reality-inspired series based on the true events of a New Yorker who moves