After interviewing Shaun Murphy, Richie Hayward, Kenny Gradney, Sam Clayton, Paul Barrere, and Fred Tackett of Little Feat…I now bring you the grand finale with founding member Bill Payne, which I recorded backstage in Atlanta, Georgia before a great concert. He is considered one of the greatest rock ‘n roll pianists around and the number of artists and bands he has worked with is astounding: Toto, Linda Ronstadt, Jackson Browne, James Taylor and may more. Some of you have heard him as a guest with Jimmy Buffett’s Coral Reefer Band whom he has recorded with. In the interview we talked about theLittle Feat album, “Join the Band” and also his solo album “Cielo Norte.” Enjoy the interview with a very pensive and intelligent man. Bill Payne will inspire you as much as he did me!
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